Rachael’s Story

SamanthaSharesRachael never had a weight problem…until she had kids. Then all bets were off! Her body had changed and she did not know what to do.

She had been eating poorly and was gaining weight. She was unhappy and knew she had to take action.

Rachael knew the owner of Mind Body and Soul Fitness and reached out to her. She knew she needed help to get to her goal.

She joined boot camp and started the food plan at the same time. In a month, she dropped 20 pounds! To date, she has kept that weight off for two years and counting.

Rachael now knows what she can and cannot eat. She learned how her body metabolizes different types of food. She knows to plan her day around what food she will eat and if she is planning a meal out, she takes that into consideration with her other meals.

Having a personal weight loss coach really helped her. Knowing her coach had been in her shoes gave her the credibility she needed to trust her. Being held accountable for her choices and her meals made all the difference to Rachael and really helped her drop the weight.

At one point, Rachael was too focused on the numbers on the scale. She was letting them dictate how she felt. So she took a step back and stopped journaling. She knew if she slipped up, she would have to start journaling again. That was all she needed to know to stay good!

“Trust in yourself” and you will see results.

Rachael still drinks her water. She feels that it flushes out the occasional bad meal.

One of the main lessons Rachael learned was to put herself first. “If I can do it, anyone can!”

She is still active in boot camp and attends two days a week for an hour each session. She loves the class and the way it makes her feel. She also feels the right instructor can make a world of difference.

Rachael is no longer afraid to try new foods. She is proud that she is stronger for herself and her family. She has confidence now that she never had before. She is empowered to do and be more. She is able to think and be positive.

Even though it has been two years, the journey and the struggle is just as real to Rachael today. It has to be!

If you want to lose weight the healthy way, cook your own foods, have the support of a private coach in your corner every step of the way, then you are in the right place. If you want to avoid crowded meetings and pre-packaged foods, look no further. If you want to be like Rachael, then contact Mind Body and Soul Fitness today. Yes you can!

IMG_0701 Rachael Masters 12 week photo 5-15-14

Peg’s Story

SamanthaSharesIn June of 2014, Peg threw out all her small clothes. She was tired of them hanging in her closet never to be worn. Enough was enough.

A month later, she happened to be flipping through the Penny Power. She saw an ad for fitness for overweight and out-of-shape women. Something about that ad spoke to her. She called the next day.

Peg started with Boot Camp at Mind Body & Soul Fitness. She had no idea it was Boot Camp, though! She thought it was just a really cool workout class. When someone told her the name of it, she almost fell over! She was in no shape to be doing Boot Camp! But it was too late. She already was.

After she started seeing results from the exercising, she decided to incorporate the food plan as well. In 9 months, she lost 74 pounds. She is now maintaining and in training to become a weight loss food coach herself.

Peg has fibromyalgia. She has a bad knee. She had a list of reasons as to why she could never be in shape and fit. None of them mattered once she started to believe in herself.

There were times when it was very frustrating. There were times when she wanted to give up. Then she would turn to her family for support and they were always there. She would turn to peers, co-workers and her church for support. She learned that everyone wanted to see her succeed.

Her weight loss coach reminded her constantly of how far she had come. She checked and double checked Peg’s food logs to make sure they were accurate. She offered alternatives when Peg plateaued. All of that support and accountability helped Peg get there where she wanted to be.

Peg was an 18/20. Now she is a size 6. She had to buy all new clothes to replace the ones she gave away and the ones she outgrew.

Her husband has jokingly said that he feels like he is cheating on his wife with the new Peg.

At their mountain house, Peg can now climb the hill to get in the door. She does not even think about it. There was a time, though, that she would have to stop and make a conscious effort to get up that hill.

Peg is still in Boot Camp. With that belief in herself, she is in the best shape of her life.

Mind Body & Soul Fitness has changed Peg’s life. She was a woman who could barely do one sit-up. When she said that to someone, they helped her do 50! And then they took a break. And then she did 50 more. She felt empowered. She felt strong. She felt in control!

If you want to lose weight the healthy way, cook your own foods, have the support of a private coach in your corner every step of the way, then you are in the right place. If you want to avoid crowded meetings and pre-packaged foods, look no further. If you want to be like Peg, then contact Mind Body & Soul Fitness today. Yes you can!

Peg Seachrist 32 week photo

Missy’s Story

SamanthaSharesWhen Missy and her husband went on vacation a few years ago, Missy was miserable. She hated the way she looked and the way she felt. She was really overweight and it was starting to interfere with the way she lived her life.

The Owner and CEO of Mind Body & Soul Fitness was someone who Missy knew and one day, when she was so fed up, she said “enough is enough” and she picked up the phone. That was May 2014.

By October of that year, Missy lost 55 pounds! She knew that she could not do it solo and credits her food coach for all the assistance she gave her. Having to be accountable for her actions for the first time in a long time made all the difference to Missy. She also did not want to let her coach down!

Missy was a size 18 and a 1x. She is now a 4/6! She clearly remembers when her clothes started to get baggy and when people started to notice. It was the best feeling! Constant accolades also kept her momentum going.

Her husband is supportive and now also getting healthy by following Missy’s lead.

Boot Camp was a big thing for Missy. She enjoyed the exercise and the network of people that she met through the classes. She is confident now in a way she never expected. When she first reached out to Mind Body & Soul Fitness, she could not do a sit-up, a push-up or a single jumping jack. She was nervous that she would injure herself and just did not think she had it in her. She has proved herself wrong time and time again.

Missy’s advice? DO NOT CHEAT! The program is not forever and if you stick with it, it works and it works fast! Even now, at her goal weight, she is still careful about what she eats and makes smart choices as often as she can.

While on plan, Missy made a homemade cake from scratch. She is not a baker, but this is one treat she makes for her family on special occasions. She did not even lick the batter. The sweet taste was not worth all the hard work she was doing. She knew she could try the cake again, if she wanted, when she got to her goal.

Recently, Missy started training to become a Weight Loss Coach. She wants to be there for others like her coach was there for her.

Vacations are fun again for Missy. And in a bikini, no less! She will be 50 years old this year and prouder than ever!

If you want to lose weight the healthy way, cook your own foods, have the support of a private coach in your corner every step of the way, avoid crowded meetings and pre-packaged foods…if you want to be like Missy, then contact Mind Body & Soul Fitness today. Yes you can!

Missy Shafer 32 week photo NOFB